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How to Use Carb Cycling for Weight Loss



carb cycling


Carb cycling is one of the best ways  to lose weight fast, without having the need to adapt a full keto diet. You will be able to eat a fair amount of carbs and your body will still be able to burn fat.
Even if they are tasting very good, carbs are not essential at all to your body. Carb cycling will then allow you to appreciate more your food intake, while still adding lean mass and burning fat.


1 – What is Exactly Carb Cycling ?


Carb cycling consists simply in taking more or less carbohydrates depending on the days you choose. Some days you eat less of them, and some day you will be eating more.

With this method, you will get the benefits of both worlds because you will have low carb days and high carb days.

You may now wonder how does carb cycling burn fat and promotes weight loss. I am going to explain you why: lowering your carb intake during your low carb days allows you to increase your insulin sensitivity and your human growth hormone levels, enabling to burn fat more quickly.


2 – How to Do Carb Cycling


Here is a simple method you can apply right now to do carb cycling well.

Days where you don’t train = low carb day

When you are not performing any kind of activities, just eat less than 30 grams of carbs per day. It can be hard for some people, so try to eat as much as healthy fat and good protein sources as possible.

Days where you train, but not for a long time = moderate carb day

When your training or not very intense, or let’s say that it is just your cardio day, eat around 0,5 grams of carb per pound of body weight.

Days where you train very hard = high carb days

If your training is very intense, hard and takes a long time, you can eat a higher amount of carbohydrates. With this carb cycling method, you can eat in this particular case between 2 and 2,5 grams of carb per pound of body weight.

3 – Additional Tips for the Carb Cycling Method to Lose Weight Fast


One of the best tip I can give you is to eat plenty of proteins, when your carb intake is low.

Indeed, proteins cost a lot of energy to process (around 35%) and will fill you up very quick.

When you eat a great amount of your daily calories from protein, a pretty good amount of that energy is expended through the thermic effect of food, which helps you maintaining a calorie deficit.

Now if you still want to eat normally, you can see here the best foods for weight loss

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How to Diet During a Crazy Busy Lifestyle



crazy lifestyle

Many of us have very busy lifestyles these days. Most of us are either working every day with barely any time off or we are stay-at-home parents with children under-foot and a house to keep up with every day. Being a stay at home parent is just as much of a job as what the rest of us do every day,


Because of this, you may not think you have time to lose weight and keep it off. However, there are super easy things you can do either at your office desk or even while taking care of your house and children to lose the weight you need and want to lose and keep it off.


Here are a few quick tips to lose weight while living a crazy busy lifestyle and keep it off at the same time.


1 – Things You Can Do From Home


  • Prepare Your Meals Once Per Week


If you live a busy lifestyle but you are still determined to lose the weight and keep it off, it is important for you to prepare healthy meals one day per week for the week ahead. You can take an hour or two out of your busy schedule, maybe when the kids are watching a movie or are in bed for the night, after work, or any other free time you can use to prepare your meals for the week ahead, and use this time to chop fruits and veggies for easy snacking throughout the week, store low-calorie soups or other low-calorie comfort foods in your freezer, and make other easy to prepare meals that are healthy and tasty at the same time. Sunday nights are a good night for meal prep.


  • Drink More Water


We hear this from everyone, all the time, that water is good for us and we should drink more of it. Well, that may be easier said than done for those of us who don’t like the taste of water. However, there is an easy fix for this; just flavor that water up with lemon wedges or chunks of pineapple or strawberries.


2 – Easy Things to do at Work to Slim Down


  • Store snacks in Your Desk or Bag


If you find that you are constantly reaching for change for the vending machine when a terrible snack craving hits you, you would be better off storing healthier snacks in your desk or your bag. Some of these types of snacks include lightly salted pretzels, any types of nuts, and fruits and veggies, of course.

  • Exercise at Your Desk


You can do many different types of exercises right at your desk while you are working. You can stand up every once in a while and do squats and crunches. If you have a conference call, walk while you talk on the phone with that important client.


These are just some of the many easy ways to stay healthy. There are many other ways to stay healthy when you are already a busy person. Don’t be afraid to get creative when it comes to getting and staying healthy.


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How to Lose Easily 10 Pounds in just 10 days : Extreme Diet Protocol



extreme diet

I am sorry to tell you that, but the magic pill to burn fat doesn’t exist.

And there is also no « magical » or « miracle » diet to lose weight

However, with the help of an extreme diet, you can definitely have very nice and strong results. In just 10 days, you can lose 10 pounds. Yes, you heard me right : 10 pounds. You will literally feel the result, even 2 days after beginning it.

So what do you do ?

Here is your protocol :

You can eat these following aliments in unlimited quantity

And the good thing is that there is no need to do sports, you just have to eat these foods :

  • chicken meat
  • red meat
  • fish
  • eggs
  • Green Salad
  • Cucumber

And now concerning the beverages, you can take :

  • water
  • coffee
  • green tea
  • diet soda
  • sparkling water


An exemple of your diet will be like :

Lunch :

  • chicken meat (day 1, day 4, day 7 and day 10) + green salad
  • beef (day 2, day 5, day 8) + cucumber
  • fish (day 3, day 6, day 9) + green salad



  • eggs (day 1, day 4, day 7 and day 10) + cucumber
  • fish (day 2, day 5, day 8) + green salad
  • chicken meat (day 3, day 6, day 9) + cucumber

Drinks:  3 liters of water every day and 2 cans of diet sodas only if you have sugar cravings

Exercise: none, but of course if you can, it is best.


Please Do NOT :

-Eat bread
-Eat Pastas
-Eat Rice
-Eat Sugar
-Eat Fruits
-Use Oils


And also remember that this diet plan should only last 10 days.

If you have to lose a lot of weight in just 10 days, you know now what you have to do.


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Diet or Exercise: Which is More Important for Weight Loss?




Diet or Exercise Which is More Important for Weight Loss

Some people say living healthy is easy while others say it is the hardest thing they have ever done in their lives. Whatever side you agree with, one thing is for sure. Living healthy is better than living unhealthy. While this is true, what if your fitness coach told you that you had to choose between diet or exercise? Which one would you choose to lose the weight? Although you would want to choose the easiest way, it is better to choose the healthiest way or the more important way. Keep reading to learn which one is better for weight loss than the other one.


1 – Dieting: Which One is the Best?


When you start your diet, you probably think you should choose which diet is best; low calories, low fats, or low carbs. Which one is the king here? The answer is none of them because if done right, they all three can bring some great results. It really depends on the individual and how they go about their diet. It truly depends on how much they eat and if they eat smaller portions every day or if they eat healthier food every day.


2 – Exercise: Is it Effective Alone?


According to a research study that was done on exercise alone, without cutting calories, fat, or carbs, it was found that exercising without changing your diet is not as effective as just changing your diet.

3 – Exercising and Diet: Should You Do Both?


Now, let’s decide on whether you should include changing your diet with exercise and see how effective doing both together is. According to another research study that was done, it suggests that doing both together isn’t as effective as just diet alone. The reason for this is because people are terrible at calculating calories in versus calories burned. This was found during the research study when people were asked to go to the gym and do some exercises. They were then asked to go to a buffet and eat the same number of calories they just burned. What they did was ate two to three times as much food as the calories they burned in the gym. Because of this, they didn’t lose the weight they should have since they didn’t calculate calories burned versus calories taken in the way they should have to lose the weight they could have and should have lost.


So, what did we get with this information? Changing your diet is better for weight loss than exercising is. Although, this may be true, according to the research studies that were done to find this answer, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t also exercise while dieting to achieve our weight loss goals. Think of it this way, which makes you happier and releases more endorphins making your happier? Going to the gym and exercising or cooking in the kitchen and counting calories? Going to the gym does because physical activity is what causes the brain to release the endorphins to make us happier. This just means that by adding exercise to our changes in diet will make it easier to change our diets.


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Weight Loss Programs: Are They Really Worth it?



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There are so many different weight loss programs you see on those television commercials, every day. They especially show them at night and if you are a night owl, you have most likely seen them before. You know the ones: NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, GoLo, and many more. They sound good and look like they really will help someone lose weight but are they really worth the money you will be dishing out to them? Let’s discuss the reasons why they may or may not be worth the money, time, or effort.


The Cost


One thing is for sure about the cost of these programs is that it is too much. Is the program worth the cost of it? It really depends on the person who decides to try it out and the program itself. You need to ask yourself this: are you going to keep the weight off or will it be a waste of time? Once you answer that question, you can then decide if the cost is worth it for you.


The Food


Sure, the food may look good on TV but does it actually taste as good as they say it does? It would be in your best interest to ask friends and family who may have used one or more of these programs about how the food tastes and if it is actually worth it for you. It is always best to get a recommendation from someone you know before trying it out so you know it is worth it from the beginning. This is because, for all anyone knows, the food might look good but it might taste awful.


The End Results


Does it actually work the way they say it does? Although they hype you up by saying you are guaranteed to lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time, how do we know this to be as true as they say it is? Again, this is where you should find someone you know who has used these programs and knows the truth about them before you decide if the end results will be worth it to you.


The Weight Loss


Can you actually lose even one pound with these programs? This is not only where you will need a good recommendation from a close friend or family member, but you can also do your own research on these companies. One thing you can do is read reviews online and check the Better Business Bureau for either good or bad reviews from those who have actually used them. However, here is a word of warning for you: some online reviews are paid reviews and are not always truthful so be careful with the ones you believe.


After doing your research, trying one of these programs for free with a free trial if they offer one, and asking for recommendations from friends and family members, you can then decide whether or not if these weight loss programs are truly worth your money, effort, and time.


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The Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet



Ketogenic diet


What is a ketogenic diet ?

It is a very low carb diet, where you will eat mostly protein and fat.

Concerning your macronutrients, you should have around 60-70% of your calories from fats, 20-30% of your proteins, and you have to eat few carbs.

You have to limit your carb consumption to 50 grams a day

This will allow you to enter into a ketosis state: your body will produce ketones. Ketones are small fuel molecules which are produced in your liver from fat.

They your body will use it as a powerful source of energy. You will get a lot of benefits from it:


1- A Ketogenic Diet Helps You to Burn More Fat

Once you are in ketosis, your body will switch its fuel supply from glucose to fat.

So it becomes much easier to burn your fat stores, because your body need it as a source
of energy.

When you eat a lot of carbs, your body gets very lazy and prefer to use directly glucose instead of your fat storages.


2- A Ketogenic Diet Lowers Insulin

Another benefit concerns the insulin levels in your body.

A ketogenic diet will reduce considerably your levels of insulin, which is very beneficial because you will be able to produce more growth hormone

Because insulin and human growth hormone are playing an antagonist role against one another: when insulin is low, growth hormone is high, and vice versa.


3- A Ketogenic Diet Can Suppress your appetite and Control Your Hunger

Last, when ketones are present in your body combined with a pretty high protein intake, it will help you a lot to suppress your appetite.

On the opposite, a high-carb diet increases your hunger.

One important point is you don’t have to be hungry even if you are on a reduced-calorie diet.
Fats and proteins are more than enough ton control your appetite.

Fat intake is directly associated with cholesterol, so don’t miss what you should know about it

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