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Essential Oils

Five Best Essential Oils For Your Health



essential oils

Having health problems can really mess things up for your life. Not just making your sick but when you are sick, you aren’t able to work or spend time with friends and family. This is why you need to do something to prevent any illnesses or mental health problems before they happen. You can use natural medicine to help prevent physical and mental illnesses from happening to you. The natural medicine is essential oils. Here is some important information about essential oils and five of them you can use for your health.

About Essential Oils


The great thing about using essential oils is that they are natural and when using them, you won’t need prescription drugs that cause unwanted side effects. You can use essential oils in your bath, inhale them within the air while using a humidifier, and even apply a couple of drops under your tongue to help with different things causing your illnesses. Here are five of the best essential oils for your health.


1 – Clove


You can use clove essential oils as an antiseptic for different infections. You can also use it as an antimicrobial, which is best for the treatment of e-coli. Clove is also said to be good for the prevention of pneumonia and even skin infections.


2 – Eucalyptus


 This great essential oil includes antibacterial properties, antispasmodic properties, and antiviral properties in it that can help prevent problems within 15 minutes of using it.


3 – Frankincense


Frankincense essential oils are said to be good for the use of preventing certain cancers. That is a great thing! This essential oil can also be used to strengthen your immune system and help with respiratory problems like bronchitis and allergies and can help ease anxiety and stress, which we all could use some help with most of the time.


4 – Lavender


Lavender is a great essential oil for helping you relax and helping you sleep better at night. Put some lavender drops in your humidifier and sit back, letting the aroma ease your stress, letting you relax and go to sleep in a natural way. You can also use lavender for healing burns, cuts, and other wounds on your body. Lavender also includes antioxidants within it.


5 – Lemon


 Lemon doesn’t just help with your ailments and mental health problems. It can also be used for cleaning your house and repelling the bugs that are around during the warmer months, and sometimes colder months. However, lemon can be used to help with the drainage of your lymphs. Lemon includes antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties as well.




Using these essential oils, whether inhaling them from a humidifier, putting them under your  tongue, or using them as a cleaning agent or to repel bugs, are a great way to keep yourself relaxed, prevent illnesses, and keep your home clean and free from bugs. Essential oils are the best thing to use because of their natural abilities. You can find them at your local grocery store or online and they don’t cost a whole lot, like most prescription drugs, cleaning agents with chemicals in them found at the store, and bug repellents that can harm your pets and yourself and family, cost more money than most people can afford. This is why it is better to use natural essential oils instead of everything else on the market that will eventually hurt you and your family and pets.

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