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3 Reasons Why Eating Sugar is Destroying your Health




The worst ingredient to your meals is added sugar.

It can have detrimental impacts on your health and triggers all kinds of diseases.

Here are 3 reasons why you have to avoid added sugar at all costs:

1 – Sugar is a terrible drug : your brain is extremely addictive to sugar intake


Each time you are eating sugar, you brain will release a large amount of dopamine.

This dopamine spike is very addictive and some people just can’t fight this addiction.

Each time you are eating foods that are not natural (like for example, junk foods), you will release much more dopamine than foods coming from nature.

You may think it is not important, but you have to realize that every single drug acts in the reward center of the brain, and sugar makes no exception whatsoever.


2 – Sugar is one of the Precursor to Cancer


Unfortunately, nowadays cancer is one of the major causes of death in the world and is characterized by a constant and uncontrolled multiplication and growth and of cells.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates this kind of growth: the less insulin spikes you have, the more the growth will be regulated and controlled.

Eating sugar constantly will raise a lot your insulin levels, and this fact can ease the cancer development.

Moreover, all the problems associated with a high sugar consumption often trigger inflammations: another important cause of cancer.


3 – Added Sugar has Anti Fat-Burning Properties


Sugar intakes can have different effects on your brains and above all on the hormones that are controling your food intake

Even if it tastes good, added sugar won’t cause satiety in your brain or lower your hunger hormones (such as ghrelin)

Therefore over time, this can result into an increased calorie intake, simply because the calories coming from sugar aren’t as fulfilling as proteins or fats.

So stay away from added sugar. Period.


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3 Tips to Eat Clean and to Stop Eating Bad Foods



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Taking care of your daily food intake, knowing what to eat and what not to eat, and buying healthy and organic food are very important things to consider if you truly want to have a good life and to live longer.

Maybe you are a bit lost… Maybe you don’t really know how to have a clean eating.

Don’t worry. Here are 3 tips specially made for you, to start eating clean right away.


1 – Don’t Eat too Much Sodium

Some people swear that the worst enemy for your health is sugar. Trust me, in reality, in most cases, sodium is even worse. It leads to high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases and tons of illnesses.

And sodium is like a snake: sometimes you don’t see it coming. You think you are eating clean because you are eating frozen organic green vegetables ? Think again.

They are packed with tons of sodium, because they are frozen foods.

Limit yourself to 1,5mg of sodium per day, and you will be fine.


2 – Reduce Your Processed Food Intake

Every food today seems to be processed. However, it is always better to follow nature’s rules. For example, nature did not make red candies nor blue sugar drinks.

So a good rule you can keep in mind is: whatever you cannot find in nature, try to not eat it.

Eat natural foods like eggs, fruits, vegetables, fishes,… there are still tons of foods that are not processed.

Do not be like anyone else, and respect your body by eating natural ingredients.

3 – Try to Eat Less Meat


People are often confused on the fact they need to eat meat in order to have proteins.


Proteins are absolutely necessary to survive, but meat is totally not necessary. Eating meat puts a lot of pressure on yourself for your digestion, and the less meat you will eat, the more it will help to reduce your risk of heart disease.

There is no need to go into veganism either. Just replace the meat by eating fish and eggs, if you still want to keep animal protein sources.

And if you still want to eat meat, please try to avoid at all costs sausages and bacon.

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Avoid to Eat These 3 Things Right After your Training



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Nutrient timing and partitioning is essential to have a very good body and to feel great about yourself.

Many people, especially newbies, don’t really know what to take after a good workout.

And If it is your case, you may want to read what will be indicated below, to optimize your training.

1-Don’t Eat Solid Aliments

You need to eat foods that are very easy to digest. To go even further, having is liquid meal is the best thing you can do for nutrient targeting.

Of course you will be able after to eat a solid meal. Don’t get me wrong. But you will have at least to wait 1 hour before doing so.

If you truly want to eat something solid after your training because you don’t want to have a liquid meal (protein shake, raw eggs…) eat simple foods that will digest very fast, like white eggs and fruits.


2-Don’t Eat only Carbs

Carbs are good for replenishing your glycogen stores.
But if you want to have a good recovery, you absolutely need to eat proteins. Period.

Carbs won’t build new muscle tissues. Proteins will.

Having at least 30 grams of proteins after your training is very important, inasmuch as without proteins, it would be impossible for you to repair, maintain and build new muscle tissue.

Proteins will also help you to be in a positive nitrogen balance state, allowing you to be in an anabolic state.

You will then be able to build more muscle.


3 – Don’t Eat Fats Right After your Training

Fat intake will slow your digestion and your absorption of proteins and carbs. Your muscles will take more time to recover.

Studies have shown that eating fat after your training will reduce your human growth hormone levels by half of what levels were after fasting.

And this will occur as soon as you ingest more than 5 grams of fat after your workout.

So next time, only eat proteins and carbs, and everything will be alright for you.

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